Manage Applications

The EasyIRB system, with its easy-to-use interface which has been optimized for PC and mobile devices, You can start an application, save the application to continue at a later time and submit for review. It also supports multiple document uploads in various formats, multiple hyperlink attachment and a Preview page to easily access every section of the application.


The system supports collaboration with multiple researchers and gives each researcher the privilege to edit and track the same application using their own individual accounts. Collaborators can perform various actions such as apply for faculty sponsorship, upload documents and even submit the application.

Apply for Faculty Sponsorship

Faculty sponsors receive sponsor requests as soon as they are requested via email, Investigators can send a request from the application, giving summarized details and description about their application. Faculty sponsors’ can further view the application requests via their individual account and further gain access to the application enabling them to make changes to the application, and even contact the PI and other investigators involved in that application before making a decision on the sponsorship request.

Review and Decision

The IRB board gets notified as soon as an application is submitted, thereby enabling prompt review and decision making, the preview page makes it easy for the IRB Reviewer to easily navigate the application being reviewed, download files or access hyperlinks attached. And also make a final decision on an application or Re-assign to the investigator to make changes.


After an application has been approved, the system provides easy navigation for Investigators to view, download and print approval letters and if an investigator wants to submit a notification to the IRB board to be approved, it can be easily done using the Notification Forms section where they can create, edit and view notification forms.